06 June 11 | @ Party - Last day to register!
Folks, today is the last day to regstier at @ party, which is a very worth while demoscene event. @party .11 (Harvard, MA, June 17th-19th). Please see additional details here: http://atparty-demoscene.net/details.html
14 May 09 | new Member
DiamonDie has joined us! Welcome DiamonDie!
1st Oct 08 | new site
we moved the server, and we profited of the occasion to put up this new web site! hope you like :D
old news..
there wasn't much. recent activities involve: NVScene was a blast, RVScene even more, and TMDC will be back, submissions accepted from 11.11 to 12.12. Now go make a demo about it!